how do plasma displays compare to led


How Do Plasma Displays Compare to LED?

Televisions are not created equal, and there are many things to consider when selecting one to invest in. For many years, the Plasma display was a popular choice, but in the recent year, LED has become the preferred screen choice. While both have their advantages, there are significant differences to consider when selecting. This article will explore the differences between plasma displays and LED, with the ultimate goal of guiding you through the selection process.

What is a Plasma Display?

Plasma display panels (PDPs) are made up of tiny cells that are filled with a mixture of noble gases. These gases are then electrically stimulated to produce ultraviolet light. This ultraviolet light interacts with a permanent phosphor to create a visible image. Plasma displays produce bright, vivid images.

What is an LED Display?

LED (light-emitting diode) televisions are composed of two layers: a layer of light-emitting diodes and a layer of liquid crystals. The LCD (liquid-crystal display) layer regulates the amount of light that comes through the LEDs, creating images.


Plasma displays are usually cheaper than LED displays of similar sizes. This is because plasma displays are an older technology, and the manufacturing process is less expensive. However, LED prices have gone down over the past few years, making them a more affordable option than they once were.

Picture Quality

Plasma displays produce deep black levels, making them great for dark rooms. This is because each pixel produces its light, giving it the ability to turn off entirely when not in use, allowing for true blacks to be achieved. LED displays, while still making progress in this area, can still have difficulty producing a true black if the TV is viewed from an angle. In recent years, LED displays have made significant strides in picture quality, especially with the advent of OLED screens.

Size and Weight

Plasma displays are heavier than LED displays. Because of the way they are constructed, they require a thicker screen, making them heavier and less portable than LED displays. LED displays are also more flexible in size and, therefore, can fit into more spaces.

Energy Consumption

LED displays are more energy-efficient than plasma displays. This is because they require less energy to produce the same level of brightness as a plasma display. This, in turn, has the added benefit of making LED displays better for the environment. Plasma screens usually consume twice as much power as an LCD screen of similar size.


When it comes to selecting between Plasma and LED televisions, a person should consider the cost, picture quality, size and weight, and energy consumption. Plasma displays are often cheaper than LED displays, but LED displays have made significant strides in picture quality over the years, particularly with new OLED screens. LED displays are also usually more energy-efficient than plasma displays, meaning they are better for the environment. While plasma displays are known for producing deep black levels, their weight can be a disadvantage compared to LED displays that are much lighter in weight. Ultimately, the choice between Plasma and LED displays will come down to personal preference and budget.


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